Performing Pro Arts COMMONS (PPAC) transmedia performance script is a copyright license and experimentation in using the law as a medium for building an Activist Art machine and practicing community self-defense and care, through the act of occupying intellectual property.  Dadais Americanus is a pseudonym used for Art made in the COMMONS that was registered with the US Copyright Office in 2020. Any creator can assume this name for a DaDA performance under the PPAC copyright license, and for artistic transgressions that defy the systems of power.

Although copyright has long been used to restrict widespread distribution of art, our experiment turns this logic on its head. Our commons uses copyright to make clear that our art is made freely available for everyone, except for those who reify the structural inequities of our economy. In other words, our copyright license is intended to exclude the excluders, those who stand in opposition to a decolonized, liberated, and diverse economy.